About this blog

Hi everyone!

JunYet and Jacelyn here. This blog was started so that we could record our journey together as boardgamers. Hope you'd enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy writing it! :)

JunYet's posts/comments will be in this color, Jacelyn's will be in this color.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Test Run: Agricola & Space Alert

Players: Pat, JC, JY, Jo Hans.

Agricola - #1 game on BoardGameGeek.

In this game basically we're farmers, and we're supposed to get animals, plant grains, vegetables, upgrade our houses etc.

So the essence of the game is that we need to have a good food income to feed our family during each harvest, so that we can focus on developing other parts of our farm. Both specialization and diversification are important, specialization tends to give you more food (usually via improvements/occupations), but you lose points for not having something (e.g you lose 1 point at the end of game for not having a sheep).

 Cattle joining the foursome to procreate.

 My farm at the end. I went straight to the animal strategy. Because the animals were so CUTE. I didnt slaughter any of the animals :P

Space Alert

Cooperative game. We're space marines with a simple mission- hyperjump to an unknown space zone, scout for 10 minutes and hyperjump back.  Oh there's one catch - monsters will come at you in waves after you jumped to the space. And having a Sitting Duck class ship is not very comforting.

The flow and pace of the game are dictated by the audio tracks provided in the CD. Some people find this lame. But honestly I think it's the best part of the game! Essentially every mission has a time limit and one simply cannot afford to AP during the mission.

 "Am I really gonna play this game? It looks so lame!"

Green: I'm gonna shoot these bastards. *Press Button A*. Nothings happens. *Jabs Button A*. Nothing happens. *Click Jab Punch Lick Press Button A*. Nothing happens.
Who forgot to put energy on the blue zone?

Meanwhile, in the white zone - the captain was playing with the pulse cannon. *Clicks Button A*. Charged pulse cannon with one energy and fires into space. Literally. This was repeated for another 6 turns, well-timed to miss every enemy.

Guess who was the captain? Me. :P

The leviathan tank wasn't so happy when we teleported into his backyard. He came at us angrily.
From the blue zone.

We died.

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