About this blog

Hi everyone!

JunYet and Jacelyn here. This blog was started so that we could record our journey together as boardgamers. Hope you'd enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy writing it! :)

JunYet's posts/comments will be in this color, Jacelyn's will be in this color.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Puerto Rico & Hansa Teutonica

Game #1: Puerto Rico

Players: Sarah, Nick, Jacelyn, Junyet

Sarah has been wanting to play boardgame with us (but she's always busy :P), and she's quite experienced in Puerto Rico.  After coming back from pasar ramadhan that day, we decided to finally play Puerto Rico with each other.

It was Nick's first game, but I was amazed at how fast he can pick up the rules. 

 Thats err, Jacelyn doing some funny face. But anyway, Rachel didn't want to play so the couple teamed up instead. I suppose she was traumatized by Year of the Dragon as her first game. Well that game can be quite depressing.

I went for coffee roaster straight, and this gave me a lot of money at the start, before everyone else starts producing coffee too.

I have 6 corn fields. Occupied. But ONLY produced 2 corns!! $#&##@

This happened for 3 craftsman phases sigh. I bought a wharf and thought I could produce corn and ship them every round....... But it failed...

Because Jacelyn was hoarding all the corn T.T
Keep in warehouse somemore!!

JC: *whistles innocently* Not my fault =P! Both you and Nick took the Wharf's so I had no choice but to take the Warehouse which was quite good hehehe!

The game was quite tight, I won with 51 pts, followed by Jacelyn 50 pts and Sarah 49pts. I like this - playing with other experienced gamer. Games can be quite competitive and you get to take a look at strategies your usual gaming group are not familiar with.

JC: Jun Yet definitely could've reached 60+ points only if there was more corn =P!
Lucky I prevented you from flying too far ahead hehe! Game ended with me taking the Mayor I think hehe.


Game #2: Hansa Teutonica
Merchants: Junyet (Green), Jacelyn (Blue), Ali (Purple), Nick (Red), Hans (Yellow)

Ali picked up the rules pretty fast too.

You know that players are getting cerebral oedema when everybody are quiet while taking their actions.

JC: Haha! I think these random pictures are taken due to excess AP =P!

Patrik came late as usual, and was awarded the front seat for the battle for control.

JC: He choose to watch Rapunzel instead of playing boardgames with us =P! Too bad!

Green - me, Red - Nick. It seemed like we're the only people who bothered to connect cities :P

I kept trying the city chain strategy but it has not been working very well for me in the past few games. I thought if I dont fight for the upgrades early in the game I can sneakily build up my routes while upgrading the town keys. I was one city away to connect my 2 other cities in the end :O It's quite depressing to see everyone use their 5 actions per turn to claim a route straight!! I only had 3 actions throughout the game. 

Later, Nick not only established his route from east to west, he expanded to a few other cities as well! Too bad he didnt have enough time to max out his town keys. His well-placed office in the city with privilege upgrade scored him 10 pts in the game.

On the other hand, Hans freed his merchants and quickly gained control of the bonus points attached to this route.

Hans' and Jacelyn's upgrades were all cleared except town keys.

JC: I really should try using strategies other than maxing out all my upgrades =P!!
It's just a bad habit! I upgrade to 3 actions then I wanted to draw more then I wanted to move more and before I know it, I've upgraded everything =P!
I also enjoy placing random merchants at important places to reduce moves used to place people hehe.

Final score: Nick's score was a good 15pts ahead of me. :O

I like this game very much.  Very easy to learn but yet there's much strategy to it.  Timing is very important. All the games we played, it ended via depletion of bonus markers. I wonder if there's a way to force the game to come to an end early by quickly scoring 20 pts while everyone is still working on their upgrades.  Next tine I'll try building office in more strategic locations to score in-game points instead of building up the long chains.

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