About this blog

Hi everyone!

JunYet and Jacelyn here. This blog was started so that we could record our journey together as boardgamers. Hope you'd enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy writing it! :)

JunYet's posts/comments will be in this color, Jacelyn's will be in this color.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dominant Species (Again)

Kam sau: Junyet/JC (Insects), Pat (Reptiles), Jo (Arachnid), Niyi (Birds), Hans (Amphibians)

JC: Hehe. This is the first time I've paired up with Jun Yet even though we could play one more player
I've always liked insects! We picked our animals randomly this game.

Everybody getting into position, ready to kill each other. This game is gonna end bloody.

Insect (green) was among the first to gain access to a sea tile. Unchallenged, insect dominated there for the first few rounds muahahaha.

It almost seemed too good to be true.... Well Amphibians glaciated my starting tile, wiping out all the grass elements there accidentally in the next wasteland phase. Not life-changing, yet.

I purposely left only 1 grass element on my precious sea tile so that nobody else can survive there.

Ok this was quite random, Terence came over to have some durian while we're playing the game lol.

Insects (green) is happy to be in the sea and desert hehhe. Nobody has decided to disturb me... yet.

 Yikes. Someone played blight on my tile. Suddenly all my species there are endangered :O
Post-apocalyptic scene.

Insects were wiped off the face of the earth in one go. Culprit: Arachnid (Jo, Red)!!!!!!!!

A desperate attempt to regain my position. I made my insects breed there, hoping that I can place a grass element somewhere on the tile via Wanderlust or Aquatic domination card. But Arachnid purposely took whatever I wanted to take, even though it does not benefit her!

Now that's how a real boardgame is played.


 But it was too late, insects only have 3 species left. Dang.

Now even the amphibians came over. No chance at all at dominance, with amphibians and water elements around.

Niyi, now finally playing Birds, is doing her thing again. This quickly became her signature move.

Patrik (Reptiles, black), suffering from AP during his last migration action. :P
Arachnids (red) and Reptiles (black) practically has dominance over the whole board. Reptiles major in tundra tiles and Arachnids major in annihilating Insects and taking over their home. :(

My insects will haunt you till the end of time.

Insects with 113 points, 3rd place. Lost because of lack of dominance. End game dominance scoring from Ice Age gave Reptiles and Arachnids at least 30 points each!

Arachnids: 2 victories (JC, Jo)
Birds: 1 victory (Isuru)

Post mortem:
Perhaps I should have adapted to more elements.. Poor survivability in the mid game really destroyed my chance at winning! I only have 2 grass and 1 meat then.. And certainly things went down the drain when Arachnids took away all the grass elements on my side of the board and put her grubs there.
Luck wasn't on my side too I guess, there was no grub for me to adapt to when I needed one. But I guess I have no chance against Arachnids on tiles with grubs anyway even if I've adapted to grub. Don't mess with spiders.

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